Saturday, October 30, 2010

time - out

Sorry for the absence.

Life is going too fast and the 2 x 4 has arrived-those who read earlier entries know what I mean.

This is beyond having a bad day; beyond the everyday busy.

Life is hurting a little; creating in me something I don't like-a constant "edge", a constant discontent.

So I have taken a break from lots of things-no computer, no phone, no email, nothing outside of the bare necessities. Even that really isn't enough, so I am pretty sure something else is going to have to give-hence, the hurt.

I know in the end it all works out-in the end it doesn't just work out-it is better. I have been through enough of these trials of faith to know that-it is just hard to live through it.


1 comment:

  1. Sending Big Hugs your way Suzin...thanks for sharing so honestly, you are such a genuine person, and I love your "this is what you get attitude" !
    I hear you girlfriend... it will all work out in the end hard to believe in the middle of it. I read this post a few days ago, and have been thinking and praying for you all since.
    If its any consolation we are going through a really difficult time, and it sucks and its hard to see past the clouds. Like you I remind myself "Life is To Short", and I am Not in control...trying to give it UP in trust and faith, so difficult, but as you said what's on the other side~ God Plan ~is so much better!
    If you want to do coffee anytime let me, know I can meet you where ever?
