Sunday, May 9, 2010

"It's your day mom...."

Yes, indeed it is.. I have been somewhat spoiled today and am loving it...not ashamed to admit that a day dedicated to my role as mom is exciting for me-a day in which with no guilt, I can relax, let someone else make the breakfast, tidy up, change the bums-all while I read a book that I simply cannot put down-The Forgotten Garden-excellent-as an aside...

Seamus rolled over this morning and said-"don't forget, today is your day." He snuggled in a little closer and I snuggled back, reminded again what an amazing blessing it is to be HIS mom. Later in the morning, Mahone, with a smile and a glee in his eye, helped me open the little thumb-print flower picture he made for me, saying "for you mama, for you," and again a reminder what an amazing blessing it is to his HIS mom. I tell my children (and myself in those bad moments-you know the ones....) that God choose me specifically, with my strengths AND weaknesses to be their mama, and while there are moments, in fact, there are days, in which I question what God was doing because so many many times I fall so so short on being the mom they need-I know they wouldn't trade me and I for sure wouldn't trade them!!!!! Grace and love and grace and love-that's what being a Mom is-giving grace, receiving grace, giving love, receiving love.

So today, it was my turn to receive and oh, how sweet it was.....

***loving the thumb-print flower, and the lovely book made for me by Seamus-inside a coupon made just for me saying "this coupon entitles you to play basketball with me". The Mappins bag was quite a surprise let me tell you, since we tend to go very low key for these sorts of holidays...however, I have to say, I don't mind a little splurge when this was what I found....

**loving loving loving the vintage feel-in "real live" you can see the black diamonds surrounding the blue and it looks as old as anything-which is SO my thing. What's even better is that my husband knows that and knows that shiny, fancy new isn't me-faded, understated, old-well, now we're talking....

So, yes, Seamus and Mahone, it's my day--all because God gave you both to me....



  1. glad you had a great day. Mine sucked. Adam kept asking me all day...'are you mad at me? upset that I didn't get you anthing?' Seriously..if you have to ask then maybe you should at least say I LOVE YOU HUNNY...THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO...YOU ARE THE BEST WIFE EVER.....
    Glad your husband doesn't suck.

  2. doesn't suck today...ask me another day
