Nighttime routines/rituals.....
I love order. I crave it. I like the same everyday. I used to be much stricter about these things, especially when it came to nighttime. Sleep is the holy grail for me and I can be super mom/super woman...but only until 8:00pm and then quite frankly, I am done!! So if something worked for the children-and by worked I mean they went to bed easily and slept through the night-then I didn't mess with it. I did everything the exact same hoping to have those same results.
I begin instilling bedtime routines right after birth. Right away, I choose the hour (usually 7) and at the feeding closest to that, I start doing my bedtime stuff-the bath, the pjs, the story, the crib/bassinet/our bed. Of course when they are so little, I know I will be up a million more times to feed, but at the youngest of ages, I want to start with a set bedtime. I did this for Seamus and Mahone both, and each had nice early bedtimes and for the most part, were good sleepers...(did you notice the past tense in that sentence!!)
Fast forward a couple of years, and well....things, they are a changing. I simply cannot do the same thing each night, and try as I might, Seamus is never-I mean NEVER-in bed until 9:00 (I am saying that because if I tell you the actual time most nights, you will judge!!) Mahone is sometimes in bed and asleep by 8:00, but that is a rarity-a nice treat, but unlikely. I am not sure what has happened in my house..and in my mind.. that the nighttime and the quiet of the house without the little ones has someone lost its appeal on me-or at least I don't seem to need it enough for me to actually stop the play, stop the "carrying on" (my mother's words out of my mouth), and actually DO bedtime.
I am that mom-the one I judge, the one I said I would never be...My children stay up too late, the snack like crazy between 6:30-8:00 (for Seamus, he is usually eating in bed until he is asleep for goodness sake!!), some times I forget to remind them to brush their teeth, Mahone still has a bottle (I can't bear to take it away-I mean, just a little at night can't hurt too much, right???), they sleep with us for the most part-Seamus almost all of the time and Mahone joins quite a bit as well, some nights Seamus doesn't do his homework/reading because we are too busy playing ball at the park, or playing on the trampoline-last night he came in from outside at 8:15-aghast I know... Even writing it, I cannot believe this has become my life... but guess what, it works. I like it!!! and while I know children need order, there is emotional safety in routines and structure, there is something about a life that "wings it" that my kids respond to...
In saying all of that, there are some things that are constants at night of course-we are just not constant on the timing. The order of events once in bed stay the same-but who knows when we will get there. For Mahone, it is story after story, a bottle, music on and I lay with him for quite some time. We always play this pretend game in which I am the baby and he is the mama and he tucks me in, and then we switch and I tuck him in. It is really sweet.... Seamus always goes to sleep in our bed and one of use lies with him as well. This is when he will talk about his day, the "incident" on the school yard, the new best friend, the play he is doing in class, some idea for an elaborate battle with his knights that he NEEDS to set up for tomorrow... I love, I mean LOVE those moments, when he actually lets me in his head!! The constant for Seamus is music. He listens to music..actually, the same CD, each and every night-without fail....
This band has to be one of his favorites... it sure is mine. My rule is that at bedtime, the music has to be Christian. It somehow is seeping in his head while he sleeps, and I need to know what is going in is good stuff, so with that rule, this is what he has chosen, night after night....I have to say, I don't mind it. Sometimes while lying with him, I need to have the words of that music seep into my head, as much as he....
Just for interest sake,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
He's so much like his mother....
I am a list maker. I have to-do lists, grocery lists, lists of things I want to do around the home, lists of paperwork due at work, lists of everything automatic that comes out of my account...lists, lists, lists... Around my house, I have more than one little notebook to write these lists-that's the other thing-I LOVE a pretty notebook!!!But I digress....
Two nights ago when Seamus and I were in bed reading and all of a sudden he rose up and said he had something important to do-well.... I really didn't think much of it-Seamus always has something important to do!! He was taking a little longer than I expected and so I reluctantly got out of my warm and cozy bed to see what this important thing was....
This is what I saw.......

I love the use of bullets on the side for his points and the use of the \ (slash) symbol between night\morning. I also love the drawing-the corner is a hockey picture to of course illustrate what game he will be playing on his PlayStation.
I laughed and laughed remembering how many nights I have lept out of bed to write my own to-do list....and then I almost cried thinking once again how grown up he is becoming, how he could do all of this without my help, and how in so many ways in him, I see me......
Two nights ago when Seamus and I were in bed reading and all of a sudden he rose up and said he had something important to do-well.... I really didn't think much of it-Seamus always has something important to do!! He was taking a little longer than I expected and so I reluctantly got out of my warm and cozy bed to see what this important thing was....
This is what I saw.......

I love the use of bullets on the side for his points and the use of the \ (slash) symbol between night\morning. I also love the drawing-the corner is a hockey picture to of course illustrate what game he will be playing on his PlayStation.
I laughed and laughed remembering how many nights I have lept out of bed to write my own to-do list....and then I almost cried thinking once again how grown up he is becoming, how he could do all of this without my help, and how in so many ways in him, I see me......
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The "After Work/School/Daycare Rituals"....
We do the same things every day around here... I am someone who needs a routine, needs a sense of the familiar. I am convinced this is good for my children as well, but truth be told, it probably is more about my needs than theirs....
As soon as we are home, Mahone and I share a popsicle-this is essential in my mind!!!
Then each evening, it is stories. Mahone usually reads stories in bed-we read an amazing amount of books-sometimes 8-9 stories a night. He is now requesting stories that are NOT picture books and I am enjoying this as well... He really is an old soul. Seamus reads stories in the living room. However since tonight I am on my own and well... to be honest, when I am on my own, the kids' bedtime routine is shall we say-more flexible.... so we spent time reading puzzle books that Nan sent the boys for Easter-reading WITH puzzles-oh so much fun!!!
As soon as we are home, Mahone and I share a popsicle-this is essential in my mind!!!

Then each evening, it is stories. Mahone usually reads stories in bed-we read an amazing amount of books-sometimes 8-9 stories a night. He is now requesting stories that are NOT picture books and I am enjoying this as well... He really is an old soul. Seamus reads stories in the living room. However since tonight I am on my own and well... to be honest, when I am on my own, the kids' bedtime routine is shall we say-more flexible.... so we spent time reading puzzle books that Nan sent the boys for Easter-reading WITH puzzles-oh so much fun!!!
Rituals and daily routines are essential. Sometimes as a mom I feel like I am simply making it through the day, caught in all the little details that occupy just "making it"...Rituals that create a sense of fun and center on quieting and truly connecting FEEL right to me (see again-all about me!) Perhaps because I am away from them all day, I need to connect, I need to share those few moments of remembering...or should I say reminding them-I am their mom and there is nowhere I would rather be than with them...
Monday, April 19, 2010
At day's end.....
Seamus has a habit of playing best at the end of the day. It seems as though once Mahone is settled, most of the evening chores are completed and bedtime is fast approaching, Seamus' imagination takes flight. In those moments, I find it hard to force bedtime... I hate to interrupt all that is happening around me-in his mind.... so tonight is another of those nights, when bedtime is looking more like 9:30, then 8:00 and rather than going to bed with all tidied, the living room in the morning will show a leftover:
Wooden Block Stanley Cup Hockey Game (Who knew!!!)
Wooden Block Stanley Cup Hockey Game (Who knew!!!)
A close wrestling match-with the defender of the title winning again-thank goodness!!!
Tonight, I have the obvious to be grateful for:
16. My husband showing me how to put pictures on this blog-all for you mom!!
17. Finding the perfect purple flower to give to my Admin. Assistant today for all of her hard work helping me with just about everything these last two weeks-she loves purple!!
18. Grandpa playing with Mahone outside tonight after supper-allowing us just a few moments to actually have an un-interrupted conversation
19. A neighbor who could hem my husband's pants (he leaves tomorrow for a business trip and needed them-by the way-I couldn't sow if my life depended on it-so tonight-she really is a blessing!)
20.. A game of War all set up-just waiting for me says Seamus-looks like bedtime is getting later....
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I like him...I really like him...
My 7 year old says to me-"can I watch some tv mom?" and I answer, "sure, treehouse or teletoon?" and he answers-with a roll of the eye-"sports mom, just put it on TSN!!"
When did this happen??? When did he not watch cartoons and instead watch basketball, football, hockey, soccer, golf, tennis, motorcrossing.... you get the picture, any sport will do.
I am finding myself gazing at him-my toothless guy. He now is sporting a full mohawk(yes, the sides are actually shaved-not a 'fauxhauk'-the real deal), he asked me to buy him a pink golf shirt, because "that's what the Grade 7's wear", he goes to bed only after reading his Archie comics, and he can tell you anything, I mean ANYTHING, about Star Wars!
There are moments I feel I am losing him and then there are moments when I am SO SO happy we are here-sitting at the table talking-I mean really talking together about some shared interest and he sounds so grown-up and I like it...He is giving me these glimpses-in the midst of the occassional tantrum-of who is becoming...
I love him....I love him because I am his Mom-God choose him for me!!!! But you know what in a way feels even better, I like him-I enjoy him, I like spending time with him, I like his personality, I like his quirks, I LOVE his taste in music-with the exception of ACDC (really, they only have 1 good song in my mind, but he loves it all). I am not saying every day is a good one, and I am not saying there are never days when I want to just run from him, but lately, as he is growing, as he is changing right before my very eyes, I realize-hey, even if he wasn't my guy, I would really really like spending time with this kid....
I just need to make sure he knows it...because nothing feels better for a child than to know, really know, that they are thoroughly enjoyed.....
So off I go to hug him close, remember his tiny little newborn face, remember the crazy toddler he was-hug him a little tighter because of all the mistakes I made in those years, tell him "I am glad we are friends"... and beat his butt at Lego Soccer-he has built the stadium, he has just finished singing the anthem, so looks like I'm up!!!
When did this happen??? When did he not watch cartoons and instead watch basketball, football, hockey, soccer, golf, tennis, motorcrossing.... you get the picture, any sport will do.
I am finding myself gazing at him-my toothless guy. He now is sporting a full mohawk(yes, the sides are actually shaved-not a 'fauxhauk'-the real deal), he asked me to buy him a pink golf shirt, because "that's what the Grade 7's wear", he goes to bed only after reading his Archie comics, and he can tell you anything, I mean ANYTHING, about Star Wars!
There are moments I feel I am losing him and then there are moments when I am SO SO happy we are here-sitting at the table talking-I mean really talking together about some shared interest and he sounds so grown-up and I like it...He is giving me these glimpses-in the midst of the occassional tantrum-of who is becoming...
I love him....I love him because I am his Mom-God choose him for me!!!! But you know what in a way feels even better, I like him-I enjoy him, I like spending time with him, I like his personality, I like his quirks, I LOVE his taste in music-with the exception of ACDC (really, they only have 1 good song in my mind, but he loves it all). I am not saying every day is a good one, and I am not saying there are never days when I want to just run from him, but lately, as he is growing, as he is changing right before my very eyes, I realize-hey, even if he wasn't my guy, I would really really like spending time with this kid....
I just need to make sure he knows it...because nothing feels better for a child than to know, really know, that they are thoroughly enjoyed.....
So off I go to hug him close, remember his tiny little newborn face, remember the crazy toddler he was-hug him a little tighter because of all the mistakes I made in those years, tell him "I am glad we are friends"... and beat his butt at Lego Soccer-he has built the stadium, he has just finished singing the anthem, so looks like I'm up!!!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Gratitude Monday
This is helpful for me tonight-this process of focusing on all that I have to be grateful for-all that I have that is "right in the world".
We have had an unbelievably nice Easter. It wasn't quite as quiet as I would have liked, but oh, such fun to be outside and watch kids play all day; such glory to remember the pillar of my faith; such reminders of grace all around.....
BUT -oh my today really was ONE OF THOSE DAYS!!! It just seemed that the boys and I woke up "on the wrong side of the bed.." (of course that would be the same bed again, which may also account for some of my more dreadful moments!) It ended well and that is always my goal. I simply cannot have my children or myself go to sleep without it all being right again... There are times I have even woken up my children after they have fallen asleep crying, or when I have sent them back to bed for the 30th time and I did it in perhaps, not the nicest of tones..... No wonder I could never, under any circumstances, do the whole sleep training thing in which you let your child cry.. My goodness, I would be hysterical!!!! But I digress..
I know they are children, I know I am not to take it personally-I really do know all of that, but there are times when it simply doesn't feel good to be on the receiving end of such attitude, ungratefulness, selfishness, bickering, and on and on.. Trust me-I know developmentally, at the ages my boys are at-all of these character "flaws" are completely normal, totally understandable, and in fact, anything other than, would be beyond their emotional capability. I know a 2 year old is inherently selfish-of course he is, but somehow today, knowing that didn't make it any easier.
So tonight, as I sit here, feeling totally guilty that I did not post last Monday-speaking of ungrateful....and also feeling that perhaps God has laid this blog on my heart as I was turning out the lights for bed-well, ending it well with the boys was one thing, but perhaps I need to end it well with myself, and this is just what God had it mind-a certain shift in perspective.....
16. Enjoying the glow from a certain candle holder I received for this Easter...
17. Sunshine and warmth beyond what is at all normal-slightly red arms and faces from all to testify to an Easter enjoyed outdoors.
18. A worship band at our church that truly makes you feel as though you have entered the courts of Heaven-that utterly ushers you into the presence of Christ.
19. An "ice rink free" backyard...while we all so enjoy the rink in our backyard in the winter, it is wonderful to see grass again...
20. Grace and forgiveness, offered and received from the boys, from myself-only possible because of the ONE who first loved us, showing us in an unbelievable way what grace truly is.....'
I could go on and on tonight..... yeah, I get it God-I get it!!!
We have had an unbelievably nice Easter. It wasn't quite as quiet as I would have liked, but oh, such fun to be outside and watch kids play all day; such glory to remember the pillar of my faith; such reminders of grace all around.....
BUT -oh my today really was ONE OF THOSE DAYS!!! It just seemed that the boys and I woke up "on the wrong side of the bed.." (of course that would be the same bed again, which may also account for some of my more dreadful moments!) It ended well and that is always my goal. I simply cannot have my children or myself go to sleep without it all being right again... There are times I have even woken up my children after they have fallen asleep crying, or when I have sent them back to bed for the 30th time and I did it in perhaps, not the nicest of tones..... No wonder I could never, under any circumstances, do the whole sleep training thing in which you let your child cry.. My goodness, I would be hysterical!!!! But I digress..
I know they are children, I know I am not to take it personally-I really do know all of that, but there are times when it simply doesn't feel good to be on the receiving end of such attitude, ungratefulness, selfishness, bickering, and on and on.. Trust me-I know developmentally, at the ages my boys are at-all of these character "flaws" are completely normal, totally understandable, and in fact, anything other than, would be beyond their emotional capability. I know a 2 year old is inherently selfish-of course he is, but somehow today, knowing that didn't make it any easier.
So tonight, as I sit here, feeling totally guilty that I did not post last Monday-speaking of ungrateful....and also feeling that perhaps God has laid this blog on my heart as I was turning out the lights for bed-well, ending it well with the boys was one thing, but perhaps I need to end it well with myself, and this is just what God had it mind-a certain shift in perspective.....
16. Enjoying the glow from a certain candle holder I received for this Easter...
17. Sunshine and warmth beyond what is at all normal-slightly red arms and faces from all to testify to an Easter enjoyed outdoors.
18. A worship band at our church that truly makes you feel as though you have entered the courts of Heaven-that utterly ushers you into the presence of Christ.
19. An "ice rink free" backyard...while we all so enjoy the rink in our backyard in the winter, it is wonderful to see grass again...
20. Grace and forgiveness, offered and received from the boys, from myself-only possible because of the ONE who first loved us, showing us in an unbelievable way what grace truly is.....'
I could go on and on tonight..... yeah, I get it God-I get it!!!
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