Monday, April 5, 2010

Gratitude Monday

This is helpful for me tonight-this process of focusing on all that I have to be grateful for-all that I have that is "right in the world".

We have had an unbelievably nice Easter. It wasn't quite as quiet as I would have liked, but oh, such fun to be outside and watch kids play all day; such glory to remember the pillar of my faith; such reminders of grace all around.....

BUT -oh my today really was ONE OF THOSE DAYS!!! It just seemed that the boys and I woke up "on the wrong side of the bed.." (of course that would be the same bed again, which may also account for some of my more dreadful moments!) It ended well and that is always my goal. I simply cannot have my children or myself go to sleep without it all being right again... There are times I have even woken up my children after they have fallen asleep crying, or when I have sent them back to bed for the 30th time and I did it in perhaps, not the nicest of tones..... No wonder I could never, under any circumstances, do the whole sleep training thing in which you let your child cry.. My goodness, I would be hysterical!!!! But I digress..

I know they are children, I know I am not to take it personally-I really do know all of that, but there are times when it simply doesn't feel good to be on the receiving end of such attitude, ungratefulness, selfishness, bickering, and on and on.. Trust me-I know developmentally, at the ages my boys are at-all of these character "flaws" are completely normal, totally understandable, and in fact, anything other than, would be beyond their emotional capability. I know a 2 year old is inherently selfish-of course he is, but somehow today, knowing that didn't make it any easier.

So tonight, as I sit here, feeling totally guilty that I did not post last Monday-speaking of ungrateful....and also feeling that perhaps God has laid this blog on my heart as I was turning out the lights for bed-well, ending it well with the boys was one thing, but perhaps I need to end it well with myself, and this is just what God had it mind-a certain shift in perspective.....

16. Enjoying the glow from a certain candle holder I received for this Easter...

17. Sunshine and warmth beyond what is at all normal-slightly red arms and faces from all to testify to an Easter enjoyed outdoors.

18. A worship band at our church that truly makes you feel as though you have entered the courts of Heaven-that utterly ushers you into the presence of Christ.

19. An "ice rink free" backyard...while we all so enjoy the rink in our backyard in the winter, it is wonderful to see grass again...

20. Grace and forgiveness, offered and received from the boys, from myself-only possible because of the ONE who first loved us, showing us in an unbelievable way what grace truly is.....'

I could go on and on tonight..... yeah, I get it God-I get it!!!


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