Friday, March 12, 2010

Is My God Big Enough...

I spent most of my afternoon today with a girl-I call her a girl despite her age and the fact that she has birthed two children. A judge decided, using evidence provided by me, that she could not keep her children-that she could not provide safety, comfort, nurturing, food, shelter...... Her children now life with new families, call another woman "mommy", have someone else kiss all hurts.

I spend one day a month with her and throughout this sometimes adversarial process, we have become "friends." Certainly not friends in the typical sense of the word. We are not calling each other, sharing thoughts over tea, hanging out....Nonetheless, a relationship has formed in which I support her, help her practically if I can, let her know her decisions need some changing, speak truth to her, even when it hurts-and oh, how it has hurt!!!

She is again 'with child'... When she told me this and I was relaying the news to co-workers, I found myself saying everything they were saying-why would she do this, she will never be able to keep this child, she is completely messing up her life....

Then suddenly, like lightening, I found myself thinking-is my God big enough for even her...Could He take her life and make it new... Are not all babies, in His time...

So today, rather than judging her (my sin of choice), rather than reminding her of yet another not thought out decision, I listened and offered hope...



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